
In addition to our county advisory role, the Jefferson MRC implements boots-in-the-mud projects to protect and restore our marine and nearshore environments, coordinates community science monitoring to help fill data gaps, and encourages local marine stewardship.  Our projects support strategic goals of the Northwest Straits Marine Conservation Initiative and Puget Sound Partnership.  We focus on nearshore restoration, eelgrass and shellfish protection, stormwater management, Olympia oyster restoration, and forage fish spawning and bull kelp monitoring.  View a map of our project locations here.

Get involved! Community volunteers help Jefferson MRC and their partners to gather information about important marine species and the effectiveness of nearshore restoration efforts, as well as directly engage in habitat restoration and protection projects. If you are interested in volunteering or partnering on MRC projects, contact us!

  • All
  • Nearshore Protection & Restoration
  • Education & Outreach
  • Water Quality
  • Marine Species & Habitats